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Thank You And Farewell

Thank You And Farewell

In his final column as NZ Property Investors’ Federation executive officer, Andrew King reflects on his exciting journey and achievements within the associations and Federation.

By: Andrew King

1 March 2020

It is wonderful news that Sharon Cullwick, our NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF) president has been appointed to take over from me as NZPIF executive officer. For an industry as large and as important as ours, the executive officer role deserved to be more than a part time position and the NZPIF executive is to be congratulated for making this happen.

Sharon has many years of experience in the industry, as well as being involved in property investment associations around the country. She has been president for over a year now and it has been a pleasure to work with her over that time. I congratulate her and wish her well for the future.

Sharon’s appointment means that this is my last time writing for NZ Property Investor magazine. Although this has been planned for a long time, it seems to have come around faster than I expected and

I am going to miss the role immensely. It has been a real privilege.

Looking Back

When starting a little newsletter called The Auckland Landlord in 1996, I didn’t realise what I was getting myself into. I was extremely grateful to the Auckland Property Investors’ Association (APIA) for providing an audience for my publication right from the first issue. I’m not sure I could have got it off the ground without their support.

I should have realised I was in for trouble at the APIA AGM the following year. Residential Tenancies Act expert and APIA Secretary at the time, Scotney Williams, asked for nominations to the committee.

He then said, “Andrew King will do it won’t he?” With no prior consultation he put it to the room: “All those in favour say aye” and I was duly appointed.

What a ride it has been since then! Almost immediately there was a call for a rental property Warrant of Fitness, showing just how long we have been arguing against such a scheme. Advocacy and media work have always been the prime focus of the NZPIF.

The appointment of Thomas Chin as NZPIF lobbyist around 2002 was a pivotable point in NZPIF history. When I was appointed to the NZPIF in 2006, I really enjoyed working with Thomas and NZPIF President Martin Evans. We had many great trips to Wellington and achieved much.


One of my proudest achievements was working with Martin to develop a NZPIF philosophy with a tenant and investor focus. We developed good working relationships with many tenant organisations, especially Helen Gatonyi from Canterbury Tenants Protection.

They shared the same philosophy as us, that we could achieve more by working together. It is a shame that some newer tenant advocates don’t share this belief.

A good example of this philosophy was advocating for tenants with children hospitalised with illnesses caused by living in cold, damp houses, to be provided with electricity vouchers to help them heat their homes. Another was supporting insulation in rentals. I appreciated this philosophy being continued under president Terry le Grove and Sharon.

This balanced approach was recognised when we advocated on bigger issues such as capital gains tax (CGT). We were the prime organisation opposing the CGT and I’m proud that we have successfully pointed out the flaws in such a scheme for many years.

I’m also pleased that we have helped resolve situations like tenants not being
responsible for damage they cause, illegal dwellings and meth contamination.

While I’m proud we have made a difference, the last few years have been hard work. I am feeling a little worn out, so it will be good to have more time for myself and good for NZPIF to have a fresh injection of enthusiasm.

Providing homes for people is an extremely beneficial and worthy undertaking. We should all be proud of what we do. I’m certainly proud of what the NZPIF and associations around the country have done and continue to do in supporting you achieve your aims. All the best with your investments. ■
